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The Best Gadgets for Batch Cooking; Save Time and Money at Home

When we hear the term ‘batch cooking,’ many of us shudder in terror. Why? Well, for many, the thought of cooking at all is terrifying, let alone cooking in large quantities. But it should be said that batch cooking is actually one of the best ways that you can save yourself time (and money!) in the kitchen. Why? Well, you can prepare meals for yourself and store the leftovers in the fridge or freezer. Then, instead of cooking every day, you can simply go to your fridge/food storage unit and take out your pre-made food. Not only will you save time, but batch cooking is a great way to reduce your energy usage. It is far more efficient to use your microwave to heat up premade food rather than turning on your oven or hob every time you need a meal. 

In this article, we take a brief look at what batch cooking actually is, why you should consider doing it, and of course, recommend some of the best bath cooking devices that we store in our 23 stores and online here at DID.

What is Batch Cooking?

Simply put, batch cooking is the best way to save time in the kitchen by preparing large quantities of a certain meal at once. Typically, it involves making one thing that can be used in conjunction with other foods for lunches and dinners or making a large quantity of one dish. An example might be creating some tomato sauce. This batch cooking of tomato sauce can then be used on a homemade pizza, in pasta, or as a base for tomato soup. Or you might make a large lasagne, have it for dinner and then portion the leftovers for freezing. You can batch-cook particular foods and store them in a fridge or freezer for several days. This is perfect for people with large families or those of you on the go. It’s true; batch cooking is something that can benefit everyone.

Batch Cooking - Tomat Sauce

Why Batch Cook?

In our opinion, there are 3 reasons you should batch cook and each of these reasons ties in with the many advantages that batch cooking brings.

1. Batch cooking saves time. Time is money, and we don’t just mean physical money. Time is valuable to people for a whole multitude of reasons. Everyone has their own stresses and things to work on, and let’s be honest; we are not always in the mood to cook dinner, especially after a long day at work.

For those of us with limited time on our hands, we might turn to fast food to feed our cravings, meanwhile, the shopping that we did last week is going out of date in the fridge. The beauty of batch cooking is that it is all done at once, and after that, you can put your food into containers and put them into the fridge to keep for 3 - 5 days or the freezer to keep for up to 3 months. Batch cooking means no late-night cooking after a long day, so you won't be tempted to splurge on a takeaway. 

2. Batch cooking makes cooking fun. Okay, maybe not for everyone, but at least it means that you only have to cook once, and in doing so, you get a few days/ weeks of cooking out of the way. In saying that, you can get the family or your partner involved with batch cooking. Maybe you can chop the peppers, and he/she can boil the pasta or cook chicken? Perhaps you can have the kids wash the potatoes while you prepare the vegetables for a stew. Regardless of your situation, batch cooking can be fun; at the very least, it stops you from having to cook several times over the week.

3. Batch cooking helps you to save money. That’s right, gone are the days of buying dinners for individual days or ordering pizzas or quarter pounders from your local takeaway. With batch cooking, you buy the ingredients you need, prep and cook those ingredients, and you have enough food for a few days at least. It is perfect, especially if you are making a recipe with lots of vegetables/inexpensive foods. You can opt for what is on special at your supermarket that week to help reduce your food bills even further. Be sure to keep an eye on the vegetable section. Offers here often mean you can make a huge pot of soup to do for a weeks worth of lunches for under €5. 


The Ultimate Batch Cooking Gadgets

Slow Cookers 

A slow cooker is a fantastic tool for batch cooking because they are great for saving time in the cooking process. Why? Well, because you don’t have to do much manually. Most slow cooker recipes use a ‘set and forget’ approach, so you don’t have to manage the process or add many ingredients actively. Some recipes require more attention to detail, but you can pick and choose the ones that fit your lifestyle. You don't need to be a Michelin-star chef to make tasty meals with a slow cooker. Just add your ingredients and get the heat and time Then let the flavours develop while you go about your day. 

Many of the slow cookers we stock here at DID are well-priced and ideal for those with a busy lifestyle. So whether you have a large family and can’t stand the thought of cooking for 5-6 people after work, or whether you are a busy professional with barely enough time to think, let alone cook, we have something for your lifestyle and your budget.


Blenders are another great tool to have around the kitchen. They are ideal for preparing delicious soups for cold winter evenings or even delicious sauces that you can store in your fridge and add to a meal you make during the week. Here at DID, we stock a wide range of stick and full-size blenders that we are confident will help you create delicious soups, sauces, and garnishes. Shop our range here.

Food Processors 

Food processors work in the same way that food blenders do. The only difference is that processors tend to be a little more high-end, more expensive, and have more attachments and features. Which gadget you decide to purchase depends on your style of cooking and the available storage space in your kitchen. Food processors have more to offer than a simple stick blender but they do take up more real estate in your cabinet. They give you the option to cut, chop, dice and puree foods. This can save hours of time because you won't have to prepare vegetables by hand. Check out the full range online or in-store.
